How to Get a Library Card

Get a Library Card

Free physical library cards are available for anyone who owns property, lives, works or attends school in King Township. If you live in an area served by one of our neighbouring libraries, you may also obtain a KTPL library card.  Simply bring a valid piece of identification with your name, photo and current address.

Acceptable IdentificationAcceptable Proof of Address
  • Citizenship card
  • Passport
  • Student ID card
  • OAS (senior’s card)
  • Employer-issued photo ID card
  • BYID (from the LCBO)
  • Health card with photo
  • Any Benefit Statement issued by the Government of Canada
  • Bank account statement
  • Utility bill (telephone, hydro, water, gas, cable TV)
  • Motor Vehicle Permit
  • Mortgage, rental or lease agreement
  • Property tax assessment or bill
  • Insurance policy (property, auto, life)
  • Employer record (pay stub or letter from employer)
  • Secondary school, college or university report card or transcript

A valid Ontario Driver's License is acceptable as a single document. In other cases, proof of identification and current address are BOTH required.