
Most items in our collection are loaned for three weeks and can be renewed twice. DVDs and special collection items are loaned for one week. Online materials such as eBooks have loan periods determined by their vendors but a due date is provided.

Material TypeLoan PeriodRenewalsHolds Available

Books, Magazines, Talking Books

21 days

2 renewals


DVDs, Video Games, Special Collection Items

7 days

2 renewals



In-house use only



Digital Content

Determined by vendor

Determined by vendor

Determined by vendor

Interlibrary Loans

42 days

Determined by lending library


Please note: We do not charge overdue fines but we do charge for lost or damaged items. Library cards are suspended when the number of overdue items reaches 10 or the amount of fees owing reaches $100. 


Items may be renewed in-person, by calling a branch or online at My Account. You will need your library card and 4 digit PIN. Contact the Library if you have forgotten your PIN.

You are responsible for all items checked out on your card. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for their child's selection, usage and return of borrowed material.


A hold is a request to have a book or other material sent to your branch when it becomes available. The item may be checked out or at another location. Items cannot be renewed if there is a hold.

Suspending a hold is available if you are going away and do not want your holds to become available during your absence. You won't lose your place in the hold queue and you can reactivate them when you're ready.

Holds expire two years from the date you placed the request. A hold might be cancelled if an item on order becomes unavailable or the title is lost or damaged.


If you have given the Library your email address, you will be notified by email 3 days before your items are due as a reminder to renew or return them. We will also notify you when your holds are available.

If you email is not registered, you will receive a phone call from staff when your holds are available. Be sure to update the Library if your email address or phone number changes.